Antiparos is an island right next to Paros. It's literally a 5 minute boat ride. It was probably one of the best trips here! It was such a nice day, completely sunny and insanely hot, maybe 80 degrees.
We first went to "the cave of Antiparos." It was the coolest place ever! It actually reminded me of "The Goonies." So here's a little bit of background on the cave...
The interior of the cave remained a mystery until 1673 when the French dignitary entered the interior of the cave using ropes. The archway leading into the cave has a width of 65.5ft and a height of 26ft. The cave has a depth of 328ft, we had to take 411 steps just to get to the center of the cave. Once we got to the bottom, it was amazing! We seriously stood there in awe! There was graffiti everywhere! Although, now nobody is allowed to right on the walls of the cave. The graffiti is from 16 and 1700's. It was so cool to see writing from that long ago!
After the cave we went on a boat ride to see some sea caves. We stopped the boat and went swimming for a bit. It was amazing, like always, to see how clear the water was. After swimming for a bit we climbed to the top of the sea caves and went cliff diving. It was so much fun but I thought I was going to have a heart attack because we were so high up and I was so scared to jump. I did it though and it was so worth it! I thought I was never going to stop falling but it was the best feeling ever! The day was definitely a success! :)
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